End of day 4… 3 day wrap-up


Two of my kids were away camping on the weekend, so my wife and I spent some quality time with our youngest. This included a trip to the shops for some supplies and craft bits. The young lady has decided she wants to learn to knit, so we picked up some needles and “wool” for the project. I also took a quick ride to our coffee supplier (Coffee Craft on South Road at Glandore) for a special blend of their (Shiralee’s) FTO (FairTrade Organic) coffee. For the littlen and my good wife, 10km. Probably an extra 5-6 km for me.

One of the things I like about my bikes is that none of them have a speedo/trip meter. This fact is both positive and negative. I have a friend who runs through her display options when she is bored on the bike… not a good way to get better at it. It would be good from time to time to have a bike computer and to be able to look at one’s ride digits afterwards, even if only for interest-sake.


Sunday morning I had to go to the city. It was a nice day and I took out the Single Speed for a spin. I remembered about half way to town that I had left my pump on my roadie. “Hope I don’t get a flat.” I thought.

On the way home I got a flat…. sliver of glass in the front tire whilst riding down a “DETOUR” street one street from the house of a friend who, luckily, was home and I was able to borrow her pump… and have a chat of course.


I got a present tonight. I have been shivering through the mornings (since I lost my layer/s of insulation last year) and now I no longer have to do that.YAY!

I have a set of North Face fleecy lined top and pants… The pants I plan to wear under my knicks in the mornings.

I have been looking for a Leopard-Trek long sleeve jersey to wear through this Winter. Unfortunately the website that was suggested to me yesterday is sold out. May have to look at ebay.

So this morning I rode to Uni via taking the chiddle-wrens to a crossing on South Rd. Had a few issues with chiddle-wrens running into one another in the middle of South Rd, but it was a good day overall on the bike.

I’m off to bed in a mo… but maybe I’ll check e-bay first. Would really like a nice warm jersey. 🙂

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